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CSE 155/EECS 255 Instructions & Tutorials

Instructions and tutorials on how to use course resources and submit assignments and projects.

How to Submit Your Documents Using a Web Browser

  1. Go to https://onedrive.live.com
  2. Press Sign in (top-right corner of the page)
  3. Enter your full UC Merced email address and press Next
  4. Log in through the UC Merced Single Sign On page
  5. On the OneDrive page, select Shared with me (left column), and find a folder named EECS 255 - CURRENT TERM or CSE 155 - CURRENT TERM
  6. Open the folder assigned to you YOUR NAME
  7. Drag and drop your document(s) (in DOC/X format) into this folder

Name your documents using the following convention.
First Name_Last Name-Document_Type
For example, John_Doe-Project_Proposal.docx or John_Doe-Literature_Review.docx